Ever felt a full-body cringe at the word strategy? You & me both, lol. If the idea of "strategising" feels like a massive ick, believe me when I say I wholeheartedly understand. The traditional take on strategy can feel stiff, rigid, and a real creative buzz kill.
For context, here are 3 things (in business) that make me want to Run For The Hills™:
Market research
Maybe it’s because I’m a Manifestor in Human Design. Maybe it’s because I don’t like being told what to do. Or maybe it’s because all of the above feel extremely restricting and uninspiring. For me, they are the epitome of a vibe-killer when I’m in the creative flow.
BUT… What if you were able to reframe what ‘strategy’ meant? Shift the perspective and see that actually, maybe your strategy is flow?
Anti-Strategy vs Pro-Flow
For me, Anti-strategy is essentially a rejection of the rigid frameworks and formulaic approaches that have always dominated the business and marketing world.
It’s about stepping away from the expectation to follow prescribed paths, rigid plans, or pre-defined strategies that can feel overwhelming and stifling, especially for the creative, intuitive women in business (like you).
What is Anti-Strategy?
Flexibility > rigidity
Instead of adhering to a strict plan, anti-strategy encourages you to lean into adapting and evolving as circumstances change. This means being open to new ideas, shifting priorities, and the natural flow of your creative energy.
Intuitive business
Trusting your instincts over external metrics. This means listening to your inner authority, allowing your feelings and instincts to guide your decisions rather than getting bogged down by data, industry benchmarks, or conventional wisdom.
Rather than mapping out a comprehensive strategy with long-term goals, focus on small, aligned actions. This can reduce overwhelm and make it way easier to stay in the flow.
Experimentation and playfulness
Trial and error is absolutely welcome here. Anti-strategy encourages you to test new ideas, make mistakes, and learn from them without the pressure to achieve perfection. PLAY.
Each decision should resonate & align with your values, energy, and inner authority. Anti-strategy is about authenticity and individuality, celebrating your unique path.
What does it mean to be Pro-Flow?
Pro-flow is about leaning into your natural rhythms and instincts as a means of guiding your business decisions and actions. Here’s how being pro-flow can complement anti-strategy:
Tune into your natural rhythm
Just as nature flows with cycles, your business can absolutely thrive when you align with your own natural rhythms. This could mean recognising when you’re most creative or productive and planning your activities around those times.
Create space for inspiration
Pro-flow encourages you to carve out time for inspiration to strike. This might mean stepping away from screens, spending time in nature, or doing the stuff that truly sparks joy and creativity, allowing ideas to naturally drop in.
Listening to your body
Flow involves being in tune with your body and emotions. Recognising when you need rest or when you’re energised can guide your business actions, leading to more authentic and aligned choices.
Connection and community
Community > competition, always. Whether through collaboration, sharing ideas, or having meaningful conversations in the DMs, being part of a community that supports and inspires you rather than competing against rigid frameworks is the one. (pssst, community is a strategy but don’t tell anyone ok bye)
Seeing Strategy as Flow
You don’t need a strict plan to get results. In fact, as someone who leans into flow, it’s probably counterproductive to over-plan. Reframe ‘strategy’ as a gentle guide, a bit like a breeze nudging you in the right direction. This flow-based approach is all about tuning in and sensing when it’s time to take action, connect, or even take a break. THIS is a strategy in itself, one that feels in alignment with who you are.
Here’s the vibe: Strategy as flow means letting your natural rhythm guide you when it comes to your business and marketing. It’s less about trying to plan out every last detail, but sensing what feels right for you in each moment, and allowing that to be your strategy.
Is Strategising for Everyone?
Unpopular opinion: big-picture strategising isn’t for everyone. It’s not for me. I prefer to break it down and think of “strategy” as micro-planning: just the next small, aligned step.
Forget the grand, long-term vision for a sec, and ask yourself, “What’s one thing I could focus on right now that feels doable and maybe even fun?”
Example: Rather than locking yourself into a month’s worth of content, just plan one post, or one email. Micro-steps keep things light and give you space to change direction when needed.
Let Intuition Lead the Way
Here’s the secret sauce: sometimes, the best ‘strategy’ is simply trusting your gut. You already have an inner guide, so lean into it. Let go of the pressure to have it all mapped out, and follow what feels aligned for you.
What feels exciting right now?
What’s one small action you can take that feels right?
Believe me when I say that strategy doesn’t have to be a spreadsheet. It can be a feeling, a little spark that says, ‘this way.’
Strategy Can Be Experimental (and Fun - shocker I know!)
Imagine strategy as a blank canvas rather than a set formula. It’s a space to test ideas, follow your curiosity, and let things evolve naturally.
Hot take: Try out new ideas without feeling like they have to be perfect. This approach keeps you open to new possibilities and makes the whole process of “strategising” feel way more like an adventure and way less like a to-do list.
Anti-strategy doesn’t mean completely abandoning all goals/vision/plans/structure; rather, it’s about allowing those things to evolve organically through your unique & intuitive process and experiences. This perspective not only validates the feelings of those of us who cringe hard at the thought of "strategy", but also allows us to reclaim our flow and joy in our business and work.
So, if ‘strategising’ has always felt more like a straitjacket than a support, here’s your big, juicy permission slip to loosen the reins on what strategy can mean. Strategy can be soft, intuitive, and as playful as you need it to be. It doesn't have to be about fitting into a rigid mould, it can be about crafting something that moves with you. Allow what feels right, go with your gut, and consider this your sign to keep things light, flexible, and perfectly in tune with you.
How do you feel about strategising...?